Laura Perry
First Stone Ministries
Oklahoma City, OK First Stone Ministries is locally operated ministry to the sexually broken in Oklahoma City but offers... is run by a man I have great respect for: Walt Heyer. Walt transitioned back in the early 1980s...
Trans Life Survivors
Click to Order on Amazon Read personal emails from thirty transgender individuals who reflect on the consequences of their gender...
Will You Bow Down?
Throughout the course of history humans have witnessed the rise and fall of many nations and empires. As the generations...
Why a Transgender Signed the AFA Boycott Target Pledge
Signing the Boycott Target Pledge was a bit like cutting the cords of my own parachute. After over eight years of living...
From Walt Heyer Hormones, surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years My name is Walt Heyer and...
See a list of many who have been set free of LGBT Lifestyles From STORIES OF CHANGE Do ex-gay people exist? These people say that they were once gay or transgender...
Destroying the Seed
While transgenderism was nearly unknown in the majority of households a decade ago, suddenly it seems as though it is...
Oh, Be Careful Little Eyes What You See
Growing up in the late eighties and nineties, our educators’ approach to child safety was in a scary but simplified...